Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Trace Alexander Elias Williamson
Birthday: July 16
Born in Fresno, California
My secret ambition is to: learn how to make a good pair of jeans and sell them for outrageous prices to snooty fashionistas
I'm compulsive about: spending, important decisions
Best advice I ever got: don't let other people influence how you feel, just do whatever makes you feel good
2 bad habits I have:
compulsive spending
looking at myself in the mirror

Food I would never let cross my lips: rotten pig intestines
I would never kiss someone who: I'm not severely attracted to
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I don't think I'll ever be really happy with myself until I have three perfect pairs of jeans
Behind my back people say: he's stupid
Pet peeve(s): people who are more messy than I am
Most embarrassing moment: being 18
Best gift I ever got: a soft kiss after a week in Brigham City, or an iPod
Best gift I ever gave: a digital camera
Before I die I just have to: grind a handrail
Favorite games: Risk
4 jobs I've had:

* corona pools
* good earth natural foods
* mcdonalds
* janitor

Favorite sports: skateboarding

Favorite joke: knock knock, who's there, go f yourself
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist:
Best way to relax: cover up in a blanket with a book about the destruction of native American civilizations
Favorite animal: dogs and all wild beasts
Best advice I ever gave: it was probably about painting
Favorite place in the world to be: cuddling watching a movie, or skateboarding on a crisp autumn day
Most fun thing I did in 2007: tubing down the provo river, hiking up the falls once or twice a week
Best book(s) I ever read: geek love, eureka street, bury my heart at wounded knee
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:

  • t-shirts
Favorite Movie(s): zoolander, last of the mohicans, no country for old men
Eye color: murky green
What do you usually eat for breakfast: a glass of water with a side of depression
Favorite CD at the moment: modest mouse's discography
Characteristic you despise: unreasonable meanness
Characteristic you most admire: thrifty-ness
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Alaska or Japan
Favorite TV show: Flight of the Conchords
Would retire to: Springville. It's where happiness goes to die
Morning or night person: late afternoon
Pets: sure
What did you want to be when you were little: cowboy, BMX rider, ninja
Favorite candy: just whatevs
Favorite flower(s): the big pretty ones with very wide petals
5 favorite songs:
  • It's all Nice on Ice- Modest Mouse
  • Who Left the Lights Off Baby?- Guillimots
  • Happiness is a Warm Gun- The Beatles
  • The Ocean Breathes Salty- Modest Mouse
  • Barnacles- Ugly Casanova
Favorite holiday: my birthday
Favorite Christmas tradition: getting woken up by the funniest little sisters I've ever seen
If you were a crayon what color would you be: Maroon
Favorite soda: juice squeezes
Favorite restaurant: Las Tarascas
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: just like, cars and army men
4 things people don't know about me:
  • I make spaghetti sauce with black olives
  • I gave my niece Jensie her first piece of candy AND first piece of gum
  • I am always up for giving someone a tattoo-prison style
  • my nickname growing up was "Bia"

Do you like ice cream: on occasion
What were you doing 10 years ago: getting baptized and planning on a mission
Fears: being disliked
Favorite pig-out food: sandwiches
Favorite day of the week: Saturday
Things I enjoy: skateboarding, art, toast, crying, laughing, singing, walking, sleeping, money, spending money, new pants and vans, driving nice cars, kissing, making food, cleaning if I 'm in the mood, showering after I get really sweaty, riding the bus and looking out the window, pretending I'm the lead singer in a band
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: buy a car and a house, probably blow the rest
I'm exceptionally good at: drawing, I wish skateboarding, making other people bummed
The smell of ______ makes me gag: people who don't shower and smell like onions

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

k-k-k-Katy Katy give me your answers do...

Katelyn Noelle Williamson

Birthday: December 31
Born in Fresno, California
My secret ambition is to: design a clothing line
I'm compulsive about: cleaning
Best advice I ever got: Always question authority
3 bad habits I have: I don't have any bad habits
Food I would never let cross my lips: too many to name
I would never kiss someone who: smokes
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I sing AND dance in the shower
Behind my back people say: I have good style
Pet peeve(s): when girls my age or younger call me "hon"
Most embarrassing moment: anytime I half way fall asleep and then shake/jerk and wake myself up
Best gift I ever got: Maizy
Best gift I ever gave: flying lessons and skydiving trip
Before I die I just have to: travel the whole word
Favorite games: Scattergories
4 jobs I've had:

* nanny
* boutique manager/designer
* dancer
* book seller

Favorite sports: baseball
Favorite joke: about the Mayflower, does it go?
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Gary Larson
Best way to relax: bubble bath or laying on the beach
Favorite animal: Maizy
Best advice I ever gave: don't be afraid to think for yourself
Favorite place in the world to be: the beach
Most fun thing I did in 2007: travelled
Best book(s) I ever read: The Mole People or Me Talk Pretty One Day
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:

  • candy
  • candles
  • nail polish

Shoe size: 7.5
Favorite movie(s): Amelie
Eye color: green
What do you usually eat for breakfast: I don't usually eat breakfast
Favorite CD at the moment: Of Montreal, My Morning Jacket, Midlake, Faithless
Characteristic you despise: cockiness
Characteristic you most admire: intelligence
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Egypt, India, or Malaysia
3 favorite TV shows: The Extras, Arrested Development, Family Guy
Would retire to: France or Puerto Rico
Morning or night person: morning
Pets: Maizy and Cotton
What did you want to be when you were little: a figure skater
Favorite candy: anything except black licorice and "Look" candybars oh and I hate sour stuff
Favorite flower(s): lilacs
5 favorite songs: Shadows-Rufus Wainwright, Music Matters-Faithless, Desire- Ryan Adams, Young Bride-Midlake, Him- Lily Allen, Librarian- My Morning Jacket
Favorite holiday: 4th of July
Favorite Christmas tradition: hide baby Jesus
If you were a crayon what color would you be: sea foam green
Favorite soda: Fresca or orange soda
Favorite restaurant: Del Taco
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: American Girl dolls
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I know how to change the oil in my car
  • I burp like a man
  • I pretend to be talking on the phone when I'm singing out loud in my car
  • I don't like apples
  • I really like stupid realty TV shows like "The Hills" and "Keeping up with the Kardashians"
Do you like ice cream: of course
What were you doing 10 years ago: acting out Sweet Valley High with Morgan Fischer
Fears: dark, spirits, killers
Favorite pig-out food: Doritos with sour cream
Favorite day of the week: Sunday
Things I enjoy: dancing, singing, being with my family and friends, shopping, drawing/painting, making jewelry, playing sports, and being outside (when it's warm)
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: travel, buy a house, start an animal sanctuary
I'm exceptionally good at: crafty things
The smell of ______ makes me gag: when people are outside when it's cold out and then they come inside. I really hate that smell!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

and now, ladies and gents, the man who's conquered all his fears

Curtis Wells Wilkinson

Birthday: October 2
Anniversary: November 17 (mission)
Born in Sandy, Utah

My secret ambition is to:
I'm compulsive about: my computer
Best advice I ever got:
3 bad habits I have:
Food I would never let cross my lips: coconut or carrot cake
I would never kiss someone who: smokes
Secret about you (that's not too deep): see "5 things people don't know about me"
Behind my back people say: he's too quiet
Pet peeve(s): people who talk out of both sides of their mouth
Most embarrassing moment:
Best gift I ever got: it wasn't the gift it was the giver
Best gift I ever gave: the wii with monster accessory pack
Before I die I just have to: live
Favorite games: Smash Bros
4 jobs I've had:

* pizza delivery
* Hollywood video

* Best Buy

* missionary

Favorite sports: ultimate frisbee
Favorite joke: Knock, knock....
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist:
Best way to relax: games
Favorite animal: penguin
Best advice I ever gave: don't marry her
Favorite place in the world to be: will let you know
Most fun thing I did in 2007: baptize
Best book(s) I ever read: Jesus the Christ, Book of Mormon
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
Shoe size: 11.5
Favorite movie(s): Matrix
Eye color: dark brown
What do you usually eat for breakfast: cereal (Cap'n Crunch)
Favorite CD at the moment: ???
Characteristic you despise: dishonesty
Characteristic you most admire: perseverance
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go:
3 favorite TV shows:
  • Simpsons
  • Heroes
  • Chuck
Would retire to: I like the CA beach house idea
Morning or night person: NOT a morning person, yeah, night's good
Pets: Shasta
What did you want to be when you were little: fireman or policeman so I could run red lights
Favorite candy: snickers
Favorite flower(s): I'm a freaking guy.
5 favorite songs:
Favorite holiday: Christmas (the whole break)
Favorite Christmas tradition: Name Game
If you were a crayon what color would you be: one of those strawberry scented ones
Favorite soda: root beer (A&W or Barq's)
Favorite restaurant: Cafe Rio
Hair color: dark brown
Favorite toy as a kid: Doo
5 things people don't know about me: you'll never know
Do you like ice cream: yes
What were you doing 10 years ago: passing the sacrament
Favorite pig-out food: Cafe Rio
Favorite day of the week: a day off
Things I enjoy: snowboarding, racquetball, rock climbing
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: buy a house, save the rest
I'm exceptionally good at: reading people
The smell of ______ makes me gag: rotting fruit

sweet Emalina and her little Sethy too

Emily Ann Williamson Packard

Birthday: August 23
Anniversary: June 21, 2003
Born in Fresno, California
My secret ambition is to: be a midwife
I'm compulsive about: cupboard doors being closed
Best advice I ever got: If you're already late, whining about it won't get you there any faster
3 bad habits I have:

* overreacting
* sloppiness
* eating too much junk food

Food I would never let cross my lips: anything slimy
I would never kiss someone who: I don't want to kiss
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I've always wanted to drink alcohol, but I never have because I'm too scared
Behind my back people say: don't know
Pet peeve(s): all of my own bad habits
Most embarrassing moment: peeing my pants in second AND fifth grade
Best gift I ever got: diamond ring and everything that came with it (and a surprise car!)
Best gift I ever gave: I suck. I usually give cards or lotion
Before I die I just have to: be old
Favorite games: Scattergories, Cranium, Family Feud, and Solitaire
4 jobs I've had:

* Fifth grade teacher
* preschool teacher
* secretary (several times)
* sandwich builder

Favorite sports: softball and volleyball
Favorite joke: What do you get when you cross a cat and a fish? A catfish. No wait, that's my least favorite joke and I got it from a LaffyTaffy wrapper.
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: White Ninja and Far Side
Best way to relax: bed
Favorite animal: dog
Best advice I ever gave: I just pass along the good stuff I hear
Favorite place in the world to be: home
Most fun thing I did in 2007: filmed Seth's movie Hottieboombalottie
Best book(s) I ever read: always the current one I'm reading
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • paperback copy of The Last Olympian (to complete my set)
  • Target gift card
  • box of 96 Crayola crayons
  • Cool Ranch Doritos (back to my bad habits)
Shoe size: 8
Favorite movie(s): The Incredibles, The Sound of Music, That Thing You Do, In America, Little Miss Sunshine....I could keep going
Eye color: hazel (green/brown)
What do you usually eat for breakfast: Oatmeal crisp or Total Cinnamon Squares
Favorite CD at the moment: None, any suggestions?
Characteristic you despise: cruelty and deceit
Characteristic you most admire: kindness and honesty
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Europe
3 favorite TV shows: Arrested Development, The Biggest Loser, Super Nanny
Would retire to: where the majority of my family lives
Morning or night person: morning
Pets: Buddy
What did you want to be when you were little: an ice skater
Favorite candy: Swedish Fish
Favorite flower(s): orchids, lilies, and lilacs
5 favorite songs: depends on the day
Favorite holiday: 4th of July
Favorite Christmas tradition: secret Santa-ing
If you were a crayon what color would you be:blue
Favorite soda: homemade-ish rootbeer
Favorite restaurant: Cafe Rio
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: Barbies
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I'm great at folding towels
  • I'm terrible at folding sheets
  • I floss my teeth on Sundays only
  • apples make me burp
  • I hate cutting/touching raw meat
Do you like ice cream: yes
What were you doing 10 years ago: finishing my freshman year of high school
Fears: Seth dying before me, especially if we're still young
Favorite pig-out food: Doritos
Favorite day of the week: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Things I enjoy: walking, Seth, Buddy, beaches, parks, dogs, trees, movies (making and watching), candy, and long hot showers
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: pay off and remodel my house, invest, make movies with Seth, and travel
I'm exceptionally good at: parking a car in the center of a stall
The smell of ______ makes me gag: throw-up

Seth Michael Packard

Birthday: June 6
Anniversary: June 21, 2003
My secret ambition is to: teach high school business
I'm compulsive about: Buddy being happy
Best advice I ever got: do what you love
3 bad habits I have:

* worrying too much
* sleeping on my stomach
* holding Buddy's mouth closed and blowing through his nose to make his cheeks flap

Food I would never let cross my lips: chocolate
I would never kiss someone who: is uglier than my wife
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I don't like keeping secrets
Behind my back people say: I bet he can't hear me
Pet peeve(s): other people disciplining Buddy
Most embarrassing moment:sitting next to a perfect stranger and groping her inner thigh while talking on the phone...I thought she was Emily
Best gift I ever got: a Nerf bow-n-arrow gun
Best gift I ever gave: handmade coupon book
Before I die I just have to: get my movie released
Favorite games: the ones that I win
4 jobs I've had:

* can collector
* beach sand bottler
* online ticket scalper
* candy machine owner

Favorite sports: football
Favorite joke: dead baby jokes
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Family Guy
Best way to relax: bath
Favorite animal: dog
Best advice I ever gave: Do what you love
Favorite place in the world to be: home
Most fun thing I did in 2007: make a movie
Best book(s) I ever read: Ender's Game
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20: anything that would help me with my work (see jobs above)
Shoe size: 10 1/2
Favorite movie(s): I Heart Huckabees
Eye color: rootbeer brown
What do you usually eat for breakfast: Rice Chex
Favorite CD at the moment: The Sounds
Characteristic you despise: manipulative
Characteristic you most admire: non-manipulative
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go:doesn't matter as long as Em and Buddy are with me
3 favorite TV shows: Arrested Development, Flight of the Conchords, and Hannah Montana
Would retire to: more work
Morning or night person: morning
Pets: Buddy
What did you want to be when you were little: a vet
Favorite candy: caramels
Favorite flower(s): orange blossoms
5 favorite songs: ...that's why I put iTunes on shuffle
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite Christmas tradition: trying to keep what I bought Emily a secret
If you were a crayon what color would you be: green
Favorite soda: apple beer
Favorite restaurant: P.F. Changs
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: Nerf bow-n-arrow
5 things people don't know about me:
  • my body won't poo unless it's comfortable
  • I hate walking into clothes stores
  • I constantly dream that I'm back in time and spend the whole time telling people what they could invest in to make lots of money
  • when I first saw Buddy I thought he was a garbage dog
  • I have a great fear of wearing light beige pants with a white shirt
Do you like ice cream: some
What were you doing 10 years ago: trying to figure out how to be popular
Fears: the beige pants thing
Favorite pig-out food: circus peanuts
Favorite day of the week: they're all the same when you're part of the day club
Things I enjoy: family and friends, my dog, good stories, and money
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: find a way to turn it into two
I'm exceptionally good at: finding random ways to make money
The smell of ______ makes me gag: hot garbage cans, stale carpet piss, and melted crayons in the back of my mom's station wagon

fee fie fo fanda, MANDA

Amanda Grace Wilkinson

Birthday: April 7
Born in Sandy, Utah
My secret ambition is to: be a successful actress and to travel the world having spontaneous adventures
I'm compulsive about: getting done with school
Best advice I ever got: live for yourself
3 bad habits I have:

* procrastinating
* obsessing over things I can't change
* being late

Food I would never let cross my lips: brain, heart of any kind
I would never kiss someone who: has bad breath
Secret about you (that's not too deep): my right ear is higher than my left. Well there goes my deepest secret. Man!
Behind my back people say: probably that I'm bossy and stubborn
Pet peeve(s): Ooooo, just one? I have tons. The farther down this list I get the worse I sound, haha.
Most embarrassing moment: I get embarrassed quickly but also forget quickly so I'm not sure.
Best gift I ever got: Hmm...the gift of life. Thanks Mom!
Best gift I ever gave:
Before I die I just have to: TRAVEL THE WORLD!!
Favorite games: Cards: Hearths, hahaha!
4 jobs I've had:

* Home theater specialist at Best Buy
* CNA for a nursing agency
* working for a promotional agency
* training to be a phlebotomist
I also donate plasma and get paid for that so I guess it's kind of a job...

Favorite sport: These are so hard. I have so many favorites. Swimming, gymnastics, football, basketball, dance (ballet), soccer, etc
Favorite joke: when people tell me not to stress, easier said than done my friends
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist:
Best way to relax: SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPP!!! When I get to get a massage, ahhhhhh.
Favorite animal: dolphins, they're so beautiful and playful. and they get to swim all the time, ah what I would give.
Best advice I ever gave: I have no idea. I like giving advice and am not always sure it's the best. I like to think I'm good at it though.
Favorite place in the world to be: New York or Lake Tahoe, but I really wanna go to Italy
Most fun thing I did in 2007: my trip to New York
Best book(s) I ever read: There's too much I haven't read
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20: nothing
Shoe size: 8-9, usually 8 1/2
Favorite movie(s): Romantic Comedies and anything that'll make me laugh or had cool effects
Eye color: hazel
What do you usually eat for breakfast: vanilla yogurt with raw oats, raw almonds, and dried currants, or I'll have a spinach and feta omelet
Favorite CD at the moment: when it comes to music I can't answer questions like this but I have the Beatles in my car right now. Classic
Characteristic you despise: when people don't follow through
Characteristic you most admire: honesty, loyalty
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Italy. I don't think I'd come back for a while.
3 favorite TV shows: One Tree Hill, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty
Would retire to: my villa in Italy or Lake Tahoe with my own dock and yacht
Morning or night person: NIGHT! I'm the least morning person of this whole family
Pets: Yes. 1. Our dog Shasta. Only pet I'll ever have because of allergies
What did you want to be when you were little: an actress, still do
Favorite candy: anything with mint or caramel in it
Favorite flower(s): lilies all kinds. blood lilies, Casablanca lilies, lily of the valley...

5 favorite songs: Hmmm I'll have to get back to you
Favorite holiday: Halloween. I know that's weird but my birthday's I'm always working and Christmas I just think too many people get wrapped up in presents. If you asked me what my favorite time of year was though I'd say Christmas. I love the trees, the lights, the snow, Christmas music on the radio, performances, etc, but not the actual day....not as much. Is that horrible?
Favorite Christmas tradition: 12 Days of Christmas and chocolate calendars, oh yeah!
If you were a crayon what color would you be: black or white, or I suppose a darker red
Favorite soda: I don't drink soda
Favorite restaurant: Ottavio's Italian Restaurant
Hair color: medium to darker brown with some auburnish-golden undertones. It's in a transition process, haha.
Favorite toy as a kid:
5 things people don't know about me:
Do you like ice cream: Yes yes!! Breyer's Vanilla Bean with fresh blackberries. Yummy!
What were you doing 10 years ago: playing in my imaginary world that is slowly disappearing but I still go there sometimes
Fears: contracting a deadly disease while treating someone and losing people I love, mostly my mom
Favorite pig-out food: Chips and homemade salsa. I could eat endless amounts.
Favorite day of the week: Saturday if I don't have to work. I can get a lot done and at my own pace and maybe treat myself to lunch or something
Things I enjoy: Laughing, traveling, kissing, eating new foods, spas
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: Get out of debt! then invest, buy real estate all over the world, set up college funds (for the children I'll have someday), travel, pay off all my mom's bills and buy her a home on the beach and give her enough money to retire and play. I wouldn't do anything like build a mansion or a Porsche but I would design and build a modest place that fits my family and is a good place to have parties, in a place I love and probably a more reliable car. I'd still finish my degree and work because I love to work and feel like I'm doing something. And pay people not to vote for Hilary Clinton.
I'm exceptionally good at: everything. Just kidding. I dunno.
The smell of ______ makes me gag: Ipecac and driving past those plants that they take road kill to melt them down to make glue.

...and may I remind you that the first born gets the best inheritance.

Erin Ruth (after my Pink Granny)

Williamson Bigler

Birthday: February 23
Anniversary: August 31
Born in Charleston, South Carolina
My secret ambition is to: own a children's boutique
I'm compulsive about: cleaning my kids' noses out with Q-Tips, checking my e-mail
Best advice I ever got: "It doesn't matter if you're tired. Keep going."
3 bad habits I have:
  • interrupting
  • eating past the point of comfort
  • talking too loud
Food I would never let cross my lips: pulpo (raw or very close to it)
I would never kiss someone who: had kissed another man
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I hope I grow up to be a farmer
Behind my back people say: she cries a lot.
Pet peeve(s): when anyone says they don't have TIME to read, really lame pop music, i.e. JoJo, Fergie, Justin Timberlake
Most embarrassing moment: when I was 8 my mom gave me some money for a book fair at school. I used everything she'd given me to buy her a Patrick Swayze poster (after I'd heard her say he was quite while watching "Ghost"). I thought she'd love the surprise but when I got home she was, of course, mortified. "I can't hang that!" She made me take it back. OR when I peed in my bed (and I was 23 and had to wake Nate up so I could change the sheets)
Best gift I ever got: giant purple fleece knee-high booties. Nate made them for me right after we started dating while I was sick with strep throat.
Best gift I ever gave: motorcycle to Nate for graduation
Before I die I just have to: kiss my husband again
Favorite games: Would You Rather..., mind games
4 jobs I've had:
  • fast food minion
  • telemarketer
  • receptionist
  • caterer
Favorite sport: volleyball
Favorite joke: Ask me if I'm a tree....(I now some of you are rolling your eyes)
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: I really do enjoy White Ninja comics
Best way to relax: go for a long walk or bike ride
Favorite animal: kiwi bird or cuttlefish
Best advice I ever gave: go to bed
Favorite place in the world to be: Nate's arms
Most fun thing I did in 2007: converted our storage room into a nursery for Frankie BY MYSELF
Best book(s) I ever read: Their Eyes Were Watching God, Cry the Beloved Country, The Blind Assassin, Imperial Woman, Middlesex,
The Color of Water
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • Of Montreal CD
  • Slum Dog Millionaire-DVD or soundtrack
  • cute potholders
  • THIS apron (click for link)
Shoe size: 8.5
Favorite movie(s): Himalaya, Life is Beautiful, In America, Punch Drunk Love, Some Like it Hot, Pulp Fiction, Everything is Illuminated
Eye color: green
What do you usually eat for breakfast: I haven't eaten breakfast regularly since about the 5th grade
Favorite CD at the moment: soundtrack to Romeo & Juliet (maybe I'll get sick of it in 15 more years)
Characteristic you despise: laziness
Characteristic you most admire: loyalty
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Nepal, Turkey
3 favorite TV shows: Big Love, 30 Rock, The Office
Would retire to: Panama
Morning or night person: night
Pets: Winston the pig, Sophie the cat, Shaggy Aggie
What did you want to be when you were little: a singer
Favorite candy: Red Vines licorice
Favorite flower(s): tulip
5 favorite songs: (I added a 6th)
  • Coconut- Harry Nilsson
  • Summertime- from Porgy and Bess
  • The Way I Am- Ingrid Michaeslson
  • Baby's Got Sauce- G. Love & Special Sauce
  • Paper Planes- M.I.A. for Slumdog Millionaire
  • Easy to be Hard- from Hair
Favorite holiday: Fourth of July
Favorite Christmas tradition: sneaking out of bed early in the morning to stare at all the presents under the twinkly tree
If you were a crayon what color would you be: white
Favorite soda: Frozen caffiene-free Pepsi- reminds me of Uncle Lindsey
Favorite restaurant: Pho Vy (when in Columbus)
Hair color: dark brown
Favorite toy as a kid: does a tree fort count?
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I love to mow the lawn
  • I love honey bees (wait, maybe everybody knows this)
  • I'd like to learn how to frost a cake and make it look pretty
  • I carry on conversations out loud with Nate all day every day, even though he's usually not with me while I'm doing this
  • Every night at 9 pm I crave cake. Usually chocolate. I could set my watch by it.
Do you like ice cream: no
What were you doing 10 years ago: dating a pretty nice nerd
Fears: being widowed and several others but they're all quite irrational
Favorite pig-out food: California rolls, Cheeze-Its
Favorite day of the week: Friday nights, Saturday afternoons, Sunday mornings
Things I enjoy: picnics, wheat fields, tall mountains, clear drinking water, hammocks, gardening, cooking, my kids, and that husband of mine
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: pay off all our debts, buy a huge old house and fill it with top-of-the-line modern things, send our kids to private schools that offered kick-butt foreign language immersion programs, invest some (and Seth, by "some" I mean quite a bit of a billion), buy one or two of everything at JCrew, hit the road and never come back
I'm exceptionally good at: apparently creating absurdly long surveys
The smell of ______ makes me gag: ketchup

Nathan Aaron Bigler
Birthday: June 2
Anniversary: August 31
Born in White City, Utah
My secret ambition is to: live on Mars, climb Mt. Everest
I'm compulsive about: planting stuff, cleaning tools after each use
Best advice I ever got: join the army (best and worst)
3 bad habits I have:
  • sleeping instead of exercising on the weekends
  • snacking at all hours
  • not cleaning my car
Food I would never let cross my lips: milk
I would never kiss someone who: wasn't Erin
Secret about you (that's not too deep):
Behind my back people say: too nice for the Army
Pet peeve(s): Martin Army Community Hospital
Most embarrassing moment: when I went to MEPS (military entrace processing) me and about 5 other guys misunderstood the instruction we got and instead of stripping down to our underwear, we took off ALL our clothes. The doc came in and told me to put on my shorts
Best gift I ever got: photo albums Erin sent to me in Iraq
Best gift I ever gave: big dog
Before I die I just have to: hunt in Alaska
Favorite games: Stratego
4 jobs I've had:
  • XO
  • MEDO
  • drywall
  • telemarker
Favorite sport: soccer
Favorite joke: Marne Family Time or that the Army is "family friendly"
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Sin City, never really been into cartoons
Best way to relax: sleep in past 5 am
Favorite animal: goat
Best advice I ever gave: I told a friend she ought to re-think her engagement and she called it off.
Favorite place in the world to be: on top of a mountain--it'd be better if the family was up there with me
Most fun thing I did in 2007: came home for Frankie's birth
Best book(s) I ever read:
The Disoverers by Daniel Boorstein, Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • t-shirt
  • a bass fishing lure
  • good boot socks
  • LED light
Shoe size: 11
Favorite movie(s): Momento, Shawshank Redemption, Unforgiven
Eye color: blue
What do you usually eat for breakfast: omelet with everything, oatmeal, and a HUGE fruit salad
Favorite CD at the moment: Seether
Characteristic you despise: procrastination
Characteristic you most admire: thoroughness
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Australia
3 favorite TV shows: The Wire, 30 Rock, The Office
Would retire to: Panama
Morning or night person: night
Pets: dog, cat, pig
What did you want to be when you were little: paleontologist
Favorite candy: dark chocolate
Favorite flower(s): blue ones
5 favorite songs: (I added a 6th)
  • Possum Kingdom- Toadies
  • Rise Above This- Seether
  • Let it Die- Foo Fighters
  • Black Betty- Spiderbait
  • Gomez
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite Christmas tradition: being at my grandpa's cabin
If you were a crayon what color would you be: orange
Favorite soda: Dr. Pepper
Favorite restaurant: Bombay House
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: BB gun
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I was in two IED blasts in Iraq
  • big Billy Joel fan
  • my right pinkie is missing a joint
  • I've broken both my arms twice
  • I'm a hobby permaculturist
Do you like ice cream: Oh yeah
What were you doing 10 years ago: just moved to Provo after finishing my mission
Fears: that my kids will get hurt
Favorite pig-out food: pizza
Favorite day of the week: SATURDAY
Things I enjoy: weekends at home, being with family, riding motorcycles
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: buy a forest and a lake and probably 1,000 acres in Alaska and an airplane to get me there
I'm exceptionally good at: keeping my cool, speaking tactifully
The smell of ______ makes me gag: Nicaraguan market--it smelled like they were hiding a dead horse under a table

Thursday, May 28, 2009

our dad-your mom-our mom-your dad

Here we go- more information than you ever thought you'd need, about the whole family! Tonight...the parents.

Bonnie Jo Galbraith
Wilkinson Williamson

Birthday: March 13th
Anniversary: August 24, 2007

Born in San Francisco, California
Secret ambition is to: write a best-selling Children's novel/series
Favorite food: steamed fresh veggies with melted cheese
I'm compulsive about: our children's safety, happiness, & success
Best advice I ever got: "Get a good education"
3 Bad Habits I have:
  • worrying too much
  • forgetting about food that's cooking
  • pack ratting for a rainy day
Food I would never let cross my lips: eyeballs of any kind
I would never kiss someone who: wasn't Dorian
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I like to swim where I can touch the bottom (that's not too deep, right?)
Behind my back people say: BEST MOM IN THE WORLD (from Amanda)
Pet peeve(s): late fees, unnecessary penalties, losing things
Most embarrassing moment:blowing the high note on a solo
Best gift I ever got: definitely--our children
Best gift I ever gave: the gift of life *sigh. Ok, and tuition. Ex-pennnnnnn-sive! But so worth it...and patience. (that can be a real gift)
Before I die I just have to: tour the world
Favorite games: card & board games with family and friends. The fun is in the "with whom" and not as much the "which"
4 jobs I've had:
  • cashier at fast food restaurant
  • department manager/assistant buyer for large department store
  • temp secretary at small computer manufacturing company
  • consultant for growing technology company
Favorite sports: racquetball and tennis, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, friendly football
Favorite joke: can't remember the punch line. It's got chickens in it I think....
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Far Side, Calvin & Hobbes, Sandra Boynton
Best way to relax: massages, pedicures, laying out in the sun, reading, walking down the shoreline, going to the temple
Favorite animal: the baby version of most any animal
Best advice I ever gave: unplug the TV
Favorite place in the world to be: Home (can that be on the beach?)
Most fun thing I did in 2007: married Dorian Gentry Williamson
Best book(s) I ever read: BOM, A Vision of Light, The Man with 1,000 Faces
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • go to Park City outlets
  • go on a long talk/walk
  • 2 for 1 massage
  • snuggling in front of a warm fire with Dorian, and drinking hot wassail
Shoe size: 9 1/2 sometimes 10
Favorite movie(s): Fugitive, Italian Job, Princess Bride, Scarlet Pimpernel
Eye color: dark brown
What do you usually eat for breakfast: shredded wheat or Dorian's special yogurt/granola/fruit concoction
Favorite CD at the moment: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel, Tchaikovsky, everything Beatles, Philadelphia Chickens
Characteristic you despise: unkindness
Characteristic you most admire: kindness
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Italy, Southern Germany, Scotland, London, Switzerland, Greece, Maui, NYC, Lake Tahoe...I'd keep on going!
3 favorite TV shows: don't watch TV
Would retire to: the BEACH!!!
Morning or night person: morning, totally
Pets: one border collie, Shasta
What did you want to be when you were little: BIG
Favorite candy: Almond Snickers
Favorite flower(s): Daisies, orchids, lilies, iris, honeysuckle, daffodils, wild sunflowers, columbine, bougainvillea
5 favorite songs:
  • You Are My Sunshine
  • I Am a Child of God
  • Walk Like an Egyptian
  • Classical Gas
  • Tusk
  • For Unto Us a Child is Born
Favorite holiday: I love Christmas
Favorite Christmas tradition: making up names on the presents--the tos/froms so the children have to figure out who's who, and which present is whose.
If you were a crayon what color would you be: bright yellow
Favorite soda: once in a while a little Root Beer. what I really like is fresh squeezed orange or grapefruit juice.
Favorite restaurant: Macaroni Grill
Hair color: dark brown
Favorite toy as a kid: a very soft stuffed bunny
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I secretly know that the unchecked accumulation of fabric can become problematic at some point
  • For me, shopping is THERAPY
  • I would like to learn to park a boat, a trailer, drive a motorcycle, and sell things on e-bay.
  • I'd like to take classes in woodworking, painting, Italian
  • I've forgotten how to knit, but would like to some point
Do you like ice cream: Oh yes
What were you doing 10 years ago: living in St. George
Fears: death and taxes, of course--and chronic disease
Favorite pig-out food: cheesy gooey, or chocolate
Favorite day of the week: Friday nights, Saturday afternoons, Sunday mornings
Things I enjoy: good music, sunshine, time to relax, jobs well done, being with our family, being able to find things when I need them, bills paid.
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: set all the children up with homes, educations, trust funds, and then relax a minute. Build or remodel a cute little home on the beach or the lake, then travel, serve a mission, read, learn to paint with watercolors, enjoy our grandchildren
I'm exceptionally good at: noodling over a puzzling situation
The smell of ______ makes me gag: chicken farms

Dorian Gentry

Birthday: May 25
Anniversary: August 27, 2007
Secret ambition is to: be an infantryman
Favorite food: no favorite, I don't like anchovies
I'm compulsive about: most things
Best advice I ever got: "Quit whining, it'll only hurt 'til it stops."
3 Bad Habits I have:
Assuming everyone wants my advice
Assuming everyone respects my opinion
Just about every one of my driving habits
Food I would never let cross my lips: (again) blood sausage
I would never kiss someone who: I don't want to kiss
Secret about you (that's not too deep): when I can't find a tissue, I use my socks. If I'm not wearing socks, my pant leg will do
Behind my back people say: good things, I hope
Pet peeve(s): wasting food, being a slob, being rude or selfish
Most embarrassing moment: I don't embarrass easily. I can't think of a time when I was truly embarrassed
Best gift I ever got: too many to think of just one
Best gift I ever gave: ditto
Before I die I just have to: see the whole world
Favorite games: the ones we all play together after dinner
4 jobs I've had:
  • janitor
  • farm laborer
  • UPS driver
  • salesman
Favorite sports: to watch-whatever my kid is playing, to play-just about all of them
Favorite joke: L. Tom Perry told it at stake conference..."When you get old like I am, your memory begins to go. First you forget names, then you forget faces; then you forget to zip up; then you forget to zip down..."
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist:
Best way to relax: get outside and play
Favorite animal: Shasta
Best advice I ever gave: Don't listen to a word I say
Favorite place in the world to be: with my family
Most fun thing I did in 2007: got married
Best book(s) I ever read: the bible
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • swim goggles
  • running socks
  • gloves (for cycling)
Shoe size: 12ish
Favorite movie(s):
Eye color: mostly blue
What do you usually eat for breakfast: oats with dried fruit (raisins, blueberries, cherries, figs)
Favorite CD at the moment: soft classical: guitar, piano, violin, oboe, etc...
Characteristic you despise: rudeness/meanness
Characteristic you most admire: faithfulness, kindness
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Guam (this year)
3 favorite TV shows:
Would retire to: the beach
Morning or night person: MORNING
Pets: Kids are plenty for me
What did you want to be when you were little: A fighter pilot
Favorite candy: Dark chocolate truffles
Favorite flower(s): the ones that smell as good as they look
5 favorite songs:
  • I Need Thee Every Hour
  • Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
  • Morning Has Broken
  • There's Not a Friend Like We Have in Jesus
  • Up a Lazy River
Favorite holiday: Easter
Favorite Christmas tradition: family
If you were a crayon what color would you be: what does that mean?
Favorite soda: orange juice
Favorite restaurant: Mazza
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: a red tractor
5 things people don't know about me: I'm not sure I know what the 5 things are myself
Do you like ice cream: any/all without marshmallows
Fears: failing to do my duty as a father or as a husband
Favorite pig-out food: just about anything but anchovies
What were you doing 10 years ago: selling insurance
Favorite day of the week: I like them all, probably Sunday
Things I enjoy: most things
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: eliminate all my debt. Play more than I do
I'm exceptionally good at: finding something to be grateful for
The smell of ______ makes me gag: lots of things. My nose is fairly sensitive.