Saturday, May 30, 2009

...and may I remind you that the first born gets the best inheritance.

Erin Ruth (after my Pink Granny)

Williamson Bigler

Birthday: February 23
Anniversary: August 31
Born in Charleston, South Carolina
My secret ambition is to: own a children's boutique
I'm compulsive about: cleaning my kids' noses out with Q-Tips, checking my e-mail
Best advice I ever got: "It doesn't matter if you're tired. Keep going."
3 bad habits I have:
  • interrupting
  • eating past the point of comfort
  • talking too loud
Food I would never let cross my lips: pulpo (raw or very close to it)
I would never kiss someone who: had kissed another man
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I hope I grow up to be a farmer
Behind my back people say: she cries a lot.
Pet peeve(s): when anyone says they don't have TIME to read, really lame pop music, i.e. JoJo, Fergie, Justin Timberlake
Most embarrassing moment: when I was 8 my mom gave me some money for a book fair at school. I used everything she'd given me to buy her a Patrick Swayze poster (after I'd heard her say he was quite while watching "Ghost"). I thought she'd love the surprise but when I got home she was, of course, mortified. "I can't hang that!" She made me take it back. OR when I peed in my bed (and I was 23 and had to wake Nate up so I could change the sheets)
Best gift I ever got: giant purple fleece knee-high booties. Nate made them for me right after we started dating while I was sick with strep throat.
Best gift I ever gave: motorcycle to Nate for graduation
Before I die I just have to: kiss my husband again
Favorite games: Would You Rather..., mind games
4 jobs I've had:
  • fast food minion
  • telemarketer
  • receptionist
  • caterer
Favorite sport: volleyball
Favorite joke: Ask me if I'm a tree....(I now some of you are rolling your eyes)
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: I really do enjoy White Ninja comics
Best way to relax: go for a long walk or bike ride
Favorite animal: kiwi bird or cuttlefish
Best advice I ever gave: go to bed
Favorite place in the world to be: Nate's arms
Most fun thing I did in 2007: converted our storage room into a nursery for Frankie BY MYSELF
Best book(s) I ever read: Their Eyes Were Watching God, Cry the Beloved Country, The Blind Assassin, Imperial Woman, Middlesex,
The Color of Water
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • Of Montreal CD
  • Slum Dog Millionaire-DVD or soundtrack
  • cute potholders
  • THIS apron (click for link)
Shoe size: 8.5
Favorite movie(s): Himalaya, Life is Beautiful, In America, Punch Drunk Love, Some Like it Hot, Pulp Fiction, Everything is Illuminated
Eye color: green
What do you usually eat for breakfast: I haven't eaten breakfast regularly since about the 5th grade
Favorite CD at the moment: soundtrack to Romeo & Juliet (maybe I'll get sick of it in 15 more years)
Characteristic you despise: laziness
Characteristic you most admire: loyalty
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Nepal, Turkey
3 favorite TV shows: Big Love, 30 Rock, The Office
Would retire to: Panama
Morning or night person: night
Pets: Winston the pig, Sophie the cat, Shaggy Aggie
What did you want to be when you were little: a singer
Favorite candy: Red Vines licorice
Favorite flower(s): tulip
5 favorite songs: (I added a 6th)
  • Coconut- Harry Nilsson
  • Summertime- from Porgy and Bess
  • The Way I Am- Ingrid Michaeslson
  • Baby's Got Sauce- G. Love & Special Sauce
  • Paper Planes- M.I.A. for Slumdog Millionaire
  • Easy to be Hard- from Hair
Favorite holiday: Fourth of July
Favorite Christmas tradition: sneaking out of bed early in the morning to stare at all the presents under the twinkly tree
If you were a crayon what color would you be: white
Favorite soda: Frozen caffiene-free Pepsi- reminds me of Uncle Lindsey
Favorite restaurant: Pho Vy (when in Columbus)
Hair color: dark brown
Favorite toy as a kid: does a tree fort count?
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I love to mow the lawn
  • I love honey bees (wait, maybe everybody knows this)
  • I'd like to learn how to frost a cake and make it look pretty
  • I carry on conversations out loud with Nate all day every day, even though he's usually not with me while I'm doing this
  • Every night at 9 pm I crave cake. Usually chocolate. I could set my watch by it.
Do you like ice cream: no
What were you doing 10 years ago: dating a pretty nice nerd
Fears: being widowed and several others but they're all quite irrational
Favorite pig-out food: California rolls, Cheeze-Its
Favorite day of the week: Friday nights, Saturday afternoons, Sunday mornings
Things I enjoy: picnics, wheat fields, tall mountains, clear drinking water, hammocks, gardening, cooking, my kids, and that husband of mine
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: pay off all our debts, buy a huge old house and fill it with top-of-the-line modern things, send our kids to private schools that offered kick-butt foreign language immersion programs, invest some (and Seth, by "some" I mean quite a bit of a billion), buy one or two of everything at JCrew, hit the road and never come back
I'm exceptionally good at: apparently creating absurdly long surveys
The smell of ______ makes me gag: ketchup

Nathan Aaron Bigler
Birthday: June 2
Anniversary: August 31
Born in White City, Utah
My secret ambition is to: live on Mars, climb Mt. Everest
I'm compulsive about: planting stuff, cleaning tools after each use
Best advice I ever got: join the army (best and worst)
3 bad habits I have:
  • sleeping instead of exercising on the weekends
  • snacking at all hours
  • not cleaning my car
Food I would never let cross my lips: milk
I would never kiss someone who: wasn't Erin
Secret about you (that's not too deep):
Behind my back people say: too nice for the Army
Pet peeve(s): Martin Army Community Hospital
Most embarrassing moment: when I went to MEPS (military entrace processing) me and about 5 other guys misunderstood the instruction we got and instead of stripping down to our underwear, we took off ALL our clothes. The doc came in and told me to put on my shorts
Best gift I ever got: photo albums Erin sent to me in Iraq
Best gift I ever gave: big dog
Before I die I just have to: hunt in Alaska
Favorite games: Stratego
4 jobs I've had:
  • XO
  • MEDO
  • drywall
  • telemarker
Favorite sport: soccer
Favorite joke: Marne Family Time or that the Army is "family friendly"
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Sin City, never really been into cartoons
Best way to relax: sleep in past 5 am
Favorite animal: goat
Best advice I ever gave: I told a friend she ought to re-think her engagement and she called it off.
Favorite place in the world to be: on top of a mountain--it'd be better if the family was up there with me
Most fun thing I did in 2007: came home for Frankie's birth
Best book(s) I ever read:
The Disoverers by Daniel Boorstein, Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • t-shirt
  • a bass fishing lure
  • good boot socks
  • LED light
Shoe size: 11
Favorite movie(s): Momento, Shawshank Redemption, Unforgiven
Eye color: blue
What do you usually eat for breakfast: omelet with everything, oatmeal, and a HUGE fruit salad
Favorite CD at the moment: Seether
Characteristic you despise: procrastination
Characteristic you most admire: thoroughness
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Australia
3 favorite TV shows: The Wire, 30 Rock, The Office
Would retire to: Panama
Morning or night person: night
Pets: dog, cat, pig
What did you want to be when you were little: paleontologist
Favorite candy: dark chocolate
Favorite flower(s): blue ones
5 favorite songs: (I added a 6th)
  • Possum Kingdom- Toadies
  • Rise Above This- Seether
  • Let it Die- Foo Fighters
  • Black Betty- Spiderbait
  • Gomez
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite Christmas tradition: being at my grandpa's cabin
If you were a crayon what color would you be: orange
Favorite soda: Dr. Pepper
Favorite restaurant: Bombay House
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: BB gun
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I was in two IED blasts in Iraq
  • big Billy Joel fan
  • my right pinkie is missing a joint
  • I've broken both my arms twice
  • I'm a hobby permaculturist
Do you like ice cream: Oh yeah
What were you doing 10 years ago: just moved to Provo after finishing my mission
Fears: that my kids will get hurt
Favorite pig-out food: pizza
Favorite day of the week: SATURDAY
Things I enjoy: weekends at home, being with family, riding motorcycles
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: buy a forest and a lake and probably 1,000 acres in Alaska and an airplane to get me there
I'm exceptionally good at: keeping my cool, speaking tactifully
The smell of ______ makes me gag: Nicaraguan market--it smelled like they were hiding a dead horse under a table

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