Saturday, May 30, 2009

sweet Emalina and her little Sethy too

Emily Ann Williamson Packard

Birthday: August 23
Anniversary: June 21, 2003
Born in Fresno, California
My secret ambition is to: be a midwife
I'm compulsive about: cupboard doors being closed
Best advice I ever got: If you're already late, whining about it won't get you there any faster
3 bad habits I have:

* overreacting
* sloppiness
* eating too much junk food

Food I would never let cross my lips: anything slimy
I would never kiss someone who: I don't want to kiss
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I've always wanted to drink alcohol, but I never have because I'm too scared
Behind my back people say: don't know
Pet peeve(s): all of my own bad habits
Most embarrassing moment: peeing my pants in second AND fifth grade
Best gift I ever got: diamond ring and everything that came with it (and a surprise car!)
Best gift I ever gave: I suck. I usually give cards or lotion
Before I die I just have to: be old
Favorite games: Scattergories, Cranium, Family Feud, and Solitaire
4 jobs I've had:

* Fifth grade teacher
* preschool teacher
* secretary (several times)
* sandwich builder

Favorite sports: softball and volleyball
Favorite joke: What do you get when you cross a cat and a fish? A catfish. No wait, that's my least favorite joke and I got it from a LaffyTaffy wrapper.
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: White Ninja and Far Side
Best way to relax: bed
Favorite animal: dog
Best advice I ever gave: I just pass along the good stuff I hear
Favorite place in the world to be: home
Most fun thing I did in 2007: filmed Seth's movie Hottieboombalottie
Best book(s) I ever read: always the current one I'm reading
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • paperback copy of The Last Olympian (to complete my set)
  • Target gift card
  • box of 96 Crayola crayons
  • Cool Ranch Doritos (back to my bad habits)
Shoe size: 8
Favorite movie(s): The Incredibles, The Sound of Music, That Thing You Do, In America, Little Miss Sunshine....I could keep going
Eye color: hazel (green/brown)
What do you usually eat for breakfast: Oatmeal crisp or Total Cinnamon Squares
Favorite CD at the moment: None, any suggestions?
Characteristic you despise: cruelty and deceit
Characteristic you most admire: kindness and honesty
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Europe
3 favorite TV shows: Arrested Development, The Biggest Loser, Super Nanny
Would retire to: where the majority of my family lives
Morning or night person: morning
Pets: Buddy
What did you want to be when you were little: an ice skater
Favorite candy: Swedish Fish
Favorite flower(s): orchids, lilies, and lilacs
5 favorite songs: depends on the day
Favorite holiday: 4th of July
Favorite Christmas tradition: secret Santa-ing
If you were a crayon what color would you be:blue
Favorite soda: homemade-ish rootbeer
Favorite restaurant: Cafe Rio
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: Barbies
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I'm great at folding towels
  • I'm terrible at folding sheets
  • I floss my teeth on Sundays only
  • apples make me burp
  • I hate cutting/touching raw meat
Do you like ice cream: yes
What were you doing 10 years ago: finishing my freshman year of high school
Fears: Seth dying before me, especially if we're still young
Favorite pig-out food: Doritos
Favorite day of the week: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Things I enjoy: walking, Seth, Buddy, beaches, parks, dogs, trees, movies (making and watching), candy, and long hot showers
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: pay off and remodel my house, invest, make movies with Seth, and travel
I'm exceptionally good at: parking a car in the center of a stall
The smell of ______ makes me gag: throw-up

Seth Michael Packard

Birthday: June 6
Anniversary: June 21, 2003
My secret ambition is to: teach high school business
I'm compulsive about: Buddy being happy
Best advice I ever got: do what you love
3 bad habits I have:

* worrying too much
* sleeping on my stomach
* holding Buddy's mouth closed and blowing through his nose to make his cheeks flap

Food I would never let cross my lips: chocolate
I would never kiss someone who: is uglier than my wife
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I don't like keeping secrets
Behind my back people say: I bet he can't hear me
Pet peeve(s): other people disciplining Buddy
Most embarrassing moment:sitting next to a perfect stranger and groping her inner thigh while talking on the phone...I thought she was Emily
Best gift I ever got: a Nerf bow-n-arrow gun
Best gift I ever gave: handmade coupon book
Before I die I just have to: get my movie released
Favorite games: the ones that I win
4 jobs I've had:

* can collector
* beach sand bottler
* online ticket scalper
* candy machine owner

Favorite sports: football
Favorite joke: dead baby jokes
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Family Guy
Best way to relax: bath
Favorite animal: dog
Best advice I ever gave: Do what you love
Favorite place in the world to be: home
Most fun thing I did in 2007: make a movie
Best book(s) I ever read: Ender's Game
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20: anything that would help me with my work (see jobs above)
Shoe size: 10 1/2
Favorite movie(s): I Heart Huckabees
Eye color: rootbeer brown
What do you usually eat for breakfast: Rice Chex
Favorite CD at the moment: The Sounds
Characteristic you despise: manipulative
Characteristic you most admire: non-manipulative
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go:doesn't matter as long as Em and Buddy are with me
3 favorite TV shows: Arrested Development, Flight of the Conchords, and Hannah Montana
Would retire to: more work
Morning or night person: morning
Pets: Buddy
What did you want to be when you were little: a vet
Favorite candy: caramels
Favorite flower(s): orange blossoms
5 favorite songs: ...that's why I put iTunes on shuffle
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite Christmas tradition: trying to keep what I bought Emily a secret
If you were a crayon what color would you be: green
Favorite soda: apple beer
Favorite restaurant: P.F. Changs
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: Nerf bow-n-arrow
5 things people don't know about me:
  • my body won't poo unless it's comfortable
  • I hate walking into clothes stores
  • I constantly dream that I'm back in time and spend the whole time telling people what they could invest in to make lots of money
  • when I first saw Buddy I thought he was a garbage dog
  • I have a great fear of wearing light beige pants with a white shirt
Do you like ice cream: some
What were you doing 10 years ago: trying to figure out how to be popular
Fears: the beige pants thing
Favorite pig-out food: circus peanuts
Favorite day of the week: they're all the same when you're part of the day club
Things I enjoy: family and friends, my dog, good stories, and money
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: find a way to turn it into two
I'm exceptionally good at: finding random ways to make money
The smell of ______ makes me gag: hot garbage cans, stale carpet piss, and melted crayons in the back of my mom's station wagon

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