Thursday, May 28, 2009

our dad-your mom-our mom-your dad

Here we go- more information than you ever thought you'd need, about the whole family! Tonight...the parents.

Bonnie Jo Galbraith
Wilkinson Williamson

Birthday: March 13th
Anniversary: August 24, 2007

Born in San Francisco, California
Secret ambition is to: write a best-selling Children's novel/series
Favorite food: steamed fresh veggies with melted cheese
I'm compulsive about: our children's safety, happiness, & success
Best advice I ever got: "Get a good education"
3 Bad Habits I have:
  • worrying too much
  • forgetting about food that's cooking
  • pack ratting for a rainy day
Food I would never let cross my lips: eyeballs of any kind
I would never kiss someone who: wasn't Dorian
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I like to swim where I can touch the bottom (that's not too deep, right?)
Behind my back people say: BEST MOM IN THE WORLD (from Amanda)
Pet peeve(s): late fees, unnecessary penalties, losing things
Most embarrassing moment:blowing the high note on a solo
Best gift I ever got: definitely--our children
Best gift I ever gave: the gift of life *sigh. Ok, and tuition. Ex-pennnnnnn-sive! But so worth it...and patience. (that can be a real gift)
Before I die I just have to: tour the world
Favorite games: card & board games with family and friends. The fun is in the "with whom" and not as much the "which"
4 jobs I've had:
  • cashier at fast food restaurant
  • department manager/assistant buyer for large department store
  • temp secretary at small computer manufacturing company
  • consultant for growing technology company
Favorite sports: racquetball and tennis, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, friendly football
Favorite joke: can't remember the punch line. It's got chickens in it I think....
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Far Side, Calvin & Hobbes, Sandra Boynton
Best way to relax: massages, pedicures, laying out in the sun, reading, walking down the shoreline, going to the temple
Favorite animal: the baby version of most any animal
Best advice I ever gave: unplug the TV
Favorite place in the world to be: Home (can that be on the beach?)
Most fun thing I did in 2007: married Dorian Gentry Williamson
Best book(s) I ever read: BOM, A Vision of Light, The Man with 1,000 Faces
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • go to Park City outlets
  • go on a long talk/walk
  • 2 for 1 massage
  • snuggling in front of a warm fire with Dorian, and drinking hot wassail
Shoe size: 9 1/2 sometimes 10
Favorite movie(s): Fugitive, Italian Job, Princess Bride, Scarlet Pimpernel
Eye color: dark brown
What do you usually eat for breakfast: shredded wheat or Dorian's special yogurt/granola/fruit concoction
Favorite CD at the moment: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel, Tchaikovsky, everything Beatles, Philadelphia Chickens
Characteristic you despise: unkindness
Characteristic you most admire: kindness
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Italy, Southern Germany, Scotland, London, Switzerland, Greece, Maui, NYC, Lake Tahoe...I'd keep on going!
3 favorite TV shows: don't watch TV
Would retire to: the BEACH!!!
Morning or night person: morning, totally
Pets: one border collie, Shasta
What did you want to be when you were little: BIG
Favorite candy: Almond Snickers
Favorite flower(s): Daisies, orchids, lilies, iris, honeysuckle, daffodils, wild sunflowers, columbine, bougainvillea
5 favorite songs:
  • You Are My Sunshine
  • I Am a Child of God
  • Walk Like an Egyptian
  • Classical Gas
  • Tusk
  • For Unto Us a Child is Born
Favorite holiday: I love Christmas
Favorite Christmas tradition: making up names on the presents--the tos/froms so the children have to figure out who's who, and which present is whose.
If you were a crayon what color would you be: bright yellow
Favorite soda: once in a while a little Root Beer. what I really like is fresh squeezed orange or grapefruit juice.
Favorite restaurant: Macaroni Grill
Hair color: dark brown
Favorite toy as a kid: a very soft stuffed bunny
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I secretly know that the unchecked accumulation of fabric can become problematic at some point
  • For me, shopping is THERAPY
  • I would like to learn to park a boat, a trailer, drive a motorcycle, and sell things on e-bay.
  • I'd like to take classes in woodworking, painting, Italian
  • I've forgotten how to knit, but would like to some point
Do you like ice cream: Oh yes
What were you doing 10 years ago: living in St. George
Fears: death and taxes, of course--and chronic disease
Favorite pig-out food: cheesy gooey, or chocolate
Favorite day of the week: Friday nights, Saturday afternoons, Sunday mornings
Things I enjoy: good music, sunshine, time to relax, jobs well done, being with our family, being able to find things when I need them, bills paid.
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: set all the children up with homes, educations, trust funds, and then relax a minute. Build or remodel a cute little home on the beach or the lake, then travel, serve a mission, read, learn to paint with watercolors, enjoy our grandchildren
I'm exceptionally good at: noodling over a puzzling situation
The smell of ______ makes me gag: chicken farms

Dorian Gentry

Birthday: May 25
Anniversary: August 27, 2007
Secret ambition is to: be an infantryman
Favorite food: no favorite, I don't like anchovies
I'm compulsive about: most things
Best advice I ever got: "Quit whining, it'll only hurt 'til it stops."
3 Bad Habits I have:
Assuming everyone wants my advice
Assuming everyone respects my opinion
Just about every one of my driving habits
Food I would never let cross my lips: (again) blood sausage
I would never kiss someone who: I don't want to kiss
Secret about you (that's not too deep): when I can't find a tissue, I use my socks. If I'm not wearing socks, my pant leg will do
Behind my back people say: good things, I hope
Pet peeve(s): wasting food, being a slob, being rude or selfish
Most embarrassing moment: I don't embarrass easily. I can't think of a time when I was truly embarrassed
Best gift I ever got: too many to think of just one
Best gift I ever gave: ditto
Before I die I just have to: see the whole world
Favorite games: the ones we all play together after dinner
4 jobs I've had:
  • janitor
  • farm laborer
  • UPS driver
  • salesman
Favorite sports: to watch-whatever my kid is playing, to play-just about all of them
Favorite joke: L. Tom Perry told it at stake conference..."When you get old like I am, your memory begins to go. First you forget names, then you forget faces; then you forget to zip up; then you forget to zip down..."
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist:
Best way to relax: get outside and play
Favorite animal: Shasta
Best advice I ever gave: Don't listen to a word I say
Favorite place in the world to be: with my family
Most fun thing I did in 2007: got married
Best book(s) I ever read: the bible
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • swim goggles
  • running socks
  • gloves (for cycling)
Shoe size: 12ish
Favorite movie(s):
Eye color: mostly blue
What do you usually eat for breakfast: oats with dried fruit (raisins, blueberries, cherries, figs)
Favorite CD at the moment: soft classical: guitar, piano, violin, oboe, etc...
Characteristic you despise: rudeness/meanness
Characteristic you most admire: faithfulness, kindness
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Guam (this year)
3 favorite TV shows:
Would retire to: the beach
Morning or night person: MORNING
Pets: Kids are plenty for me
What did you want to be when you were little: A fighter pilot
Favorite candy: Dark chocolate truffles
Favorite flower(s): the ones that smell as good as they look
5 favorite songs:
  • I Need Thee Every Hour
  • Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
  • Morning Has Broken
  • There's Not a Friend Like We Have in Jesus
  • Up a Lazy River
Favorite holiday: Easter
Favorite Christmas tradition: family
If you were a crayon what color would you be: what does that mean?
Favorite soda: orange juice
Favorite restaurant: Mazza
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: a red tractor
5 things people don't know about me: I'm not sure I know what the 5 things are myself
Do you like ice cream: any/all without marshmallows
Fears: failing to do my duty as a father or as a husband
Favorite pig-out food: just about anything but anchovies
What were you doing 10 years ago: selling insurance
Favorite day of the week: I like them all, probably Sunday
Things I enjoy: most things
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: eliminate all my debt. Play more than I do
I'm exceptionally good at: finding something to be grateful for
The smell of ______ makes me gag: lots of things. My nose is fairly sensitive.

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