Saturday, May 30, 2009

fee fie fo fanda, MANDA

Amanda Grace Wilkinson

Birthday: April 7
Born in Sandy, Utah
My secret ambition is to: be a successful actress and to travel the world having spontaneous adventures
I'm compulsive about: getting done with school
Best advice I ever got: live for yourself
3 bad habits I have:

* procrastinating
* obsessing over things I can't change
* being late

Food I would never let cross my lips: brain, heart of any kind
I would never kiss someone who: has bad breath
Secret about you (that's not too deep): my right ear is higher than my left. Well there goes my deepest secret. Man!
Behind my back people say: probably that I'm bossy and stubborn
Pet peeve(s): Ooooo, just one? I have tons. The farther down this list I get the worse I sound, haha.
Most embarrassing moment: I get embarrassed quickly but also forget quickly so I'm not sure.
Best gift I ever got: Hmm...the gift of life. Thanks Mom!
Best gift I ever gave:
Before I die I just have to: TRAVEL THE WORLD!!
Favorite games: Cards: Hearths, hahaha!
4 jobs I've had:

* Home theater specialist at Best Buy
* CNA for a nursing agency
* working for a promotional agency
* training to be a phlebotomist
I also donate plasma and get paid for that so I guess it's kind of a job...

Favorite sport: These are so hard. I have so many favorites. Swimming, gymnastics, football, basketball, dance (ballet), soccer, etc
Favorite joke: when people tell me not to stress, easier said than done my friends
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist:
Best way to relax: SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPP!!! When I get to get a massage, ahhhhhh.
Favorite animal: dolphins, they're so beautiful and playful. and they get to swim all the time, ah what I would give.
Best advice I ever gave: I have no idea. I like giving advice and am not always sure it's the best. I like to think I'm good at it though.
Favorite place in the world to be: New York or Lake Tahoe, but I really wanna go to Italy
Most fun thing I did in 2007: my trip to New York
Best book(s) I ever read: There's too much I haven't read
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20: nothing
Shoe size: 8-9, usually 8 1/2
Favorite movie(s): Romantic Comedies and anything that'll make me laugh or had cool effects
Eye color: hazel
What do you usually eat for breakfast: vanilla yogurt with raw oats, raw almonds, and dried currants, or I'll have a spinach and feta omelet
Favorite CD at the moment: when it comes to music I can't answer questions like this but I have the Beatles in my car right now. Classic
Characteristic you despise: when people don't follow through
Characteristic you most admire: honesty, loyalty
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Italy. I don't think I'd come back for a while.
3 favorite TV shows: One Tree Hill, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty
Would retire to: my villa in Italy or Lake Tahoe with my own dock and yacht
Morning or night person: NIGHT! I'm the least morning person of this whole family
Pets: Yes. 1. Our dog Shasta. Only pet I'll ever have because of allergies
What did you want to be when you were little: an actress, still do
Favorite candy: anything with mint or caramel in it
Favorite flower(s): lilies all kinds. blood lilies, Casablanca lilies, lily of the valley...

5 favorite songs: Hmmm I'll have to get back to you
Favorite holiday: Halloween. I know that's weird but my birthday's I'm always working and Christmas I just think too many people get wrapped up in presents. If you asked me what my favorite time of year was though I'd say Christmas. I love the trees, the lights, the snow, Christmas music on the radio, performances, etc, but not the actual day....not as much. Is that horrible?
Favorite Christmas tradition: 12 Days of Christmas and chocolate calendars, oh yeah!
If you were a crayon what color would you be: black or white, or I suppose a darker red
Favorite soda: I don't drink soda
Favorite restaurant: Ottavio's Italian Restaurant
Hair color: medium to darker brown with some auburnish-golden undertones. It's in a transition process, haha.
Favorite toy as a kid:
5 things people don't know about me:
Do you like ice cream: Yes yes!! Breyer's Vanilla Bean with fresh blackberries. Yummy!
What were you doing 10 years ago: playing in my imaginary world that is slowly disappearing but I still go there sometimes
Fears: contracting a deadly disease while treating someone and losing people I love, mostly my mom
Favorite pig-out food: Chips and homemade salsa. I could eat endless amounts.
Favorite day of the week: Saturday if I don't have to work. I can get a lot done and at my own pace and maybe treat myself to lunch or something
Things I enjoy: Laughing, traveling, kissing, eating new foods, spas
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: Get out of debt! then invest, buy real estate all over the world, set up college funds (for the children I'll have someday), travel, pay off all my mom's bills and buy her a home on the beach and give her enough money to retire and play. I wouldn't do anything like build a mansion or a Porsche but I would design and build a modest place that fits my family and is a good place to have parties, in a place I love and probably a more reliable car. I'd still finish my degree and work because I love to work and feel like I'm doing something. And pay people not to vote for Hilary Clinton.
I'm exceptionally good at: everything. Just kidding. I dunno.
The smell of ______ makes me gag: Ipecac and driving past those plants that they take road kill to melt them down to make glue.

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