Tuesday, June 2, 2009

k-k-k-Katy Katy give me your answers do...

Katelyn Noelle Williamson

Birthday: December 31
Born in Fresno, California
My secret ambition is to: design a clothing line
I'm compulsive about: cleaning
Best advice I ever got: Always question authority
3 bad habits I have: I don't have any bad habits
Food I would never let cross my lips: too many to name
I would never kiss someone who: smokes
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I sing AND dance in the shower
Behind my back people say: I have good style
Pet peeve(s): when girls my age or younger call me "hon"
Most embarrassing moment: anytime I half way fall asleep and then shake/jerk and wake myself up
Best gift I ever got: Maizy
Best gift I ever gave: flying lessons and skydiving trip
Before I die I just have to: travel the whole word
Favorite games: Scattergories
4 jobs I've had:

* nanny
* boutique manager/designer
* dancer
* book seller

Favorite sports: baseball
Favorite joke: about the Mayflower, what...how does it go?
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Gary Larson
Best way to relax: bubble bath or laying on the beach
Favorite animal: Maizy
Best advice I ever gave: don't be afraid to think for yourself
Favorite place in the world to be: the beach
Most fun thing I did in 2007: travelled
Best book(s) I ever read: The Mole People or Me Talk Pretty One Day
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:

  • candy
  • candles
  • nail polish

Shoe size: 7.5
Favorite movie(s): Amelie
Eye color: green
What do you usually eat for breakfast: I don't usually eat breakfast
Favorite CD at the moment: Of Montreal, My Morning Jacket, Midlake, Faithless
Characteristic you despise: cockiness
Characteristic you most admire: intelligence
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Egypt, India, or Malaysia
3 favorite TV shows: The Extras, Arrested Development, Family Guy
Would retire to: France or Puerto Rico
Morning or night person: morning
Pets: Maizy and Cotton
What did you want to be when you were little: a figure skater
Favorite candy: anything except black licorice and "Look" candybars oh and I hate sour stuff
Favorite flower(s): lilacs
5 favorite songs: Shadows-Rufus Wainwright, Music Matters-Faithless, Desire- Ryan Adams, Young Bride-Midlake, Him- Lily Allen, Librarian- My Morning Jacket
Favorite holiday: 4th of July
Favorite Christmas tradition: hide baby Jesus
If you were a crayon what color would you be: sea foam green
Favorite soda: Fresca or orange soda
Favorite restaurant: Del Taco
Hair color: brown
Favorite toy as a kid: American Girl dolls
5 things people don't know about me:
  • I know how to change the oil in my car
  • I burp like a man
  • I pretend to be talking on the phone when I'm singing out loud in my car
  • I don't like apples
  • I really like stupid realty TV shows like "The Hills" and "Keeping up with the Kardashians"
Do you like ice cream: of course
What were you doing 10 years ago: acting out Sweet Valley High with Morgan Fischer
Fears: dark, spirits, killers
Favorite pig-out food: Doritos with sour cream
Favorite day of the week: Sunday
Things I enjoy: dancing, singing, being with my family and friends, shopping, drawing/painting, making jewelry, playing sports, and being outside (when it's warm)
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: travel, buy a house, start an animal sanctuary
I'm exceptionally good at: crafty things
The smell of ______ makes me gag: when people are outside when it's cold out and then they come inside. I really hate that smell!

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