Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hey Y'all

I dropped the ball with this family blog thing. I don't have any answers from Nat, Holly, or Alex, but that's ok! We filled 'em all out in 2008 and I'm sure we've all changed a little bit anyway. Now we have FB so getting new info should be pretty easy. Hurray!

it's about time!

Christopher Taylor Wilkinson

Birthday: January 4, 1990
Born: Alta View Hospital, Sandy, Utah
My secret ambition is to: Animate and Design (art)
I'm compulsive about: Playing video games
Best advice I ever got: "Live up to your potential" -- Mom
3 bad habits I have:
  • lazy
  • proud
  • easy to anger
Food I would never let cross my lips: Yams !
I would never kiss someone who: was a guy now, or at any point
Secret about you (that's not too deep): I want to build a fortress to protect from a Zombie invasion.
Behind my back people say: I don't know … they're behind me.
Pet peeve(s): People, lack of interest, unnecessary clothing (ie bunny slippers)
Most embarrassing moment:… to me or my family?
Best gift I ever got: Go Cart from Curtis
Best gift I ever gave: Halo 3 Soundtrack and chopsticks
Before I die I just have to: Do every death-defying activity
Favorite games: Xbox 360, PS2, Wii …
4 jobs I've had:
  • Pizza man
  • Janitor
  • Grocer
  • Customer Service Rep
Favorite sports: Football, Soccer, Baseball, Tae Kwon Do
Favorite joke: The entire Joke book (I love to laugh !)
Favorite cartoon/cartoonist: Gris Grimley
Best way to relax: A cool bed after a hot shower/bath
Favorite animal: Wolf, monkey, Big cats
Best advice I ever gave: "Quit bugging me, and do it yourself"
Favorite place in the world to be: Japan
Most fun thing I did in 2007: Won $50 from a doodle
Best book(s) I ever read: Enders Game (thx Seth & Emily)
4 things I'd like for my birthday that cost less than $20:
  • Whatever makes you think of me.

Shoe size: 10 1/2 - 11
Favorite movie(s): Action comedy, Comedy
Eye color: Brown
What do you usually eat for breakfast: Nothing. I don't eat breakfast.
Favorite CD at the moment: Chevelle.
Characteristic you despise: Brown-nosery
Characteristic you most admire: Endless Effort (the will to continue)
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go: Okinawa, Japan
3 favorite TV shows: Whose Line is it Anyway?, Family Guy, Simpsons
Would retire to: Chicago
Morning or night person: Night
Pets: Dog and 2 parakeets
What did you want to be when you were little: Batman, Spiderman, Superman (all in one!)
Favorite candy: What do you have? (hahaha)
Favorite flower(s): Lilacs
5 favorite songs: Symphony & Metalica
Favorite holiday: Halloween
Favorite Christmas tradition: Waffles with Strawberries and whipped cream
If you were a crayon what color would you be: Sage green
Favorite soda: Dr. Pepper
Favorite restaurant: Carl's Jr
Hair color: Brown
Favorite toy as a kid: Jurassic Park T-Rex
5 things people don't know about me: If I told you, then you would know. I have no idea, myself.
Do you like ice cream: Yes, on occasion
What were you doing 10 years ago: What am I doing now?
Fears: The unknown
Favorite pig-out food: Doritos !
Favorite day of the week: Saturday
Things I enjoy: Sleep, computer games, movies, games
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire: I'd retire. Invest. Get a small place outside of Chicago.
I'm exceptionally good at: Wasting time. And art, I guess
The smell of ______ makes me gag: Sewage, and recycling plants